Today we are talking about Terrarium DIY's. I think everyone that comes over to my house would know how much I love little Habitat's and adore Terrariums. I have little glass jar's all over the living room whether is Gnome Homes or little mini deer sitting on their moss beds. Here are some pictures that should inspire you. Take a look....
So really you can use just about any type of glass container small or large. So Lets start with materials first.
I always stock up on Mason Jars while I'm at Ikea... you never know when you are going to need one. Matt also uses them to make light jars. There are always some laying around the house. You could also use an old pickle jar as well. I'm constantly saving our glass jars for projects. I hit up Hobby Lobby to get the rest. So here's everything you need. Feel free to experiment with other trinkets..... snail shells, bee hives, twigs and little gnome findings etc......
mason jar
river rocks
moss rocks
fake moss
mini deer or birds nests, Gnome mini's etc...
glue gun/glue
Now we are ready to start our project!
First lay down the river rocks......
Then a layer of moss....
Then glue the deer onto the moss rocks so they are secure. If you want to put other objects in such as snail shells, plants etc.. feel free to. I've put moss rocks in mine and mini deer as well.
I then added a bee hive that I found in the back yard and a snail shell as well.
Voila! My little homemade Terrarium.
Here are some other examples....
"Gnome Habitat" with mini garden tools.
Get you mini objects from Hobby Lobby or any craft store
Perfect place for a Gnome to do their Gardening.
You can also put fake birds eggs in a nest as well
Tie a little string of jute around the jar to give as a present. Ta da! Your Terrarium DIY is complete.
Please share Your DIY ideas with me. Include steps and illustrations/photos
I can't wait!