Happy Monday everyone! I had the best weekend ever except I missed my husbear.... he had to go back home to Ohio to attend to some very overdue family time. It's been awhile since I've been all alone and on my own so my bestie Christopher slept over to make me feel more safe and secure. Chris and I go way back and he has always been there for me since we meet over 5 years ago in training class. Ha! Yes, we work together too! We had a great time hanging out eating pizza, drinking wine and watching movies and talking the way best buds do. Saturday night we all went out to celebrate one of our very good friends Megan's birthday party and ate at this yummy Tex Mex restaurant called Vivo.... then we all came back to my casa to drink wine around the fire pit. It was a great night.... although I drank too much. YOLO!
Sunday I scored big time at the thrift store! I found the most amazing dresses and jeans that I'm going to be making into cut offs and doing a little DIY with them. I can't wait to post my daily wears rockin' my new clothing as well as this cool bleach tye dye leggings DIY. I'm feeling super motivated lately to create things. Did you see my boho boot DIY post? So this is my newest headband I created. It's really quite simple.... I really didn't think people would need pictures of how to actually hot glue the lace onto the headband. That's all there really is to it. I bought the lace in a little scrap package from Hobby Lobby and picked up some skinny black headbands there as well. I also used a little strip of white felt for the backing so the glue could actually ad hear to something other than just the headband making it more secure.Voila! I love it.... I've really been into the bohemian look this spring and will continue to build up my wardrobe with pretty whimsical little pieces. I can see me wearing this in a field full of flowers.
I'm loving these pictures, I actually took them myself because the husbear wasn't home. The sun was setting through my bedroom window and was casting an amazing glow so I thought I would take advantage of it. It was a beautiful Sunday. It rained in the morning as Christopher and I sat out in the screened in porch drinking coffee and chatting earlier this morning and then the sun started to break through the clouds and the rain dried up. I love Austin weather... even when it rains the sun is still shinning. It was a nice, relaxing little down poor which was perfect for our little garden. The chickens ran free for most of the day while I was out and about and one of our little baby Finch's managed to squeeze through the bars in their bird cage and fly around the house for a few hours while I slept. I woke up and came down stairs and was surprised to see him just sitting there. I had a hell of a time trying to catch the little bugger. He flew into the ceiling fan and into the window a number of times. I was scared he was going t break his little neck but alas everything came to an end when I nabbed him super fast. Now both the baby Finch's and the Momma have been separated from the males and are in their older, smaller cage and won't be able to escape by slipping through these tiny bars! Those little rascals! Well, that's about all the excitement I had this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing the Mister home again tomorrow. I miss him terribly. Hope everyone had a fun weekend as well!
I added a quick little DIY guide upon request. It reads left to right.. not top to bottom. I also showed a pic of what materials you will need. All can be found at a local crafting store. If you prefer to use tacky glue instead of hot glue that's totally fine, just know the drying time is longer. Hope this works!