Hey ya'll! The Mister and I have some fun and delicious things growing in our little backyard garden that we'd like to share with you! We also wanna share how our little baby chicks are growing and progressing.... it's so rewarding having our own garden and now that we have chicken's that provide us with eggs we as happy as can be! We get about 2-3 eggs a day now from Betty, Lola and Molly. It makes me so happy to see them running around and being goofy little birds. The little chicks are in their "awkward phase" right now but are almost big enough to go in the coop with the big girls. We have been slowly integrating them and everything seems to be working out just fine.
As you can see we have a smaller cage in the bigger coop so the older girl's can get used to the little ones.
Molly on the left and Betty on the right... Lola is camera shy.
We've got some wonderful veggies and herbs growing right now. The curly and flat leaf parsley has exploded! The basil is really starting to grow and I'm already planning "summer dishes" around all this goodness! We've also got heirloom tomatoes and a bunch of onions, green pepper, green beans and hot peppers on the way!
Our blackberry bush has really sprouted this year and more limbs have shot out of the ground and are making their way up our fence. I'm so excited for this years crop... we may actually be able to make some Jam. Last year we only had a handful of black berries at a time and couldn't do much with them.
Fresh Dill... one of my favorites in Cucumber Salad!
Heirloom Tomatoes.
Curly and Flat Leaf Parsley... it makes everything taste better.
These little girl's are so tame and love to be picked up and cuddled. They are Light Brahma chickens.
My favorite Minnetonka Moccasins.
My sweet babies.... Lucy isn't photogenic.
Sophie relaxing in the shade of our Bamboo plants. Lucy doesn't like to get her picture taken too much these days...
Lastly... our beautiful Passion Vine is blooming like crazy and all the bees and butterfly's are going crazy... I love Spring! It's getting hotter and hotter in Austin everyday and soon it will be sweltering. I'm trying to enjoy every single moment of Spring because it'll be over sooo fast. I hope you all enjoyed my little "backyard garden" tour. I'd love to hear what some of you all are growing in your gardens!