Happy Monday! Did everyone have a swell weekend? I started my weekend by taking Friday off and hanging out with my crafty lady friend Lisa of feto soap. Lisa and I headed to the Mall... if you know me at all then you know how much I hate Malls but I was on a mission to buy new trainers. I dread Malls because for starters I worked in retail pretty much my whole young adult life and it brings back horrible memories. Ha! Second, I really don't believe in buying "name brands" or from "huge corporations". I'm much more into shopping local and buying handmade whenever possible... don't get me wrong though... a girl's gotta go to Target to get her necessities. On the whole I would much rather buy from someone I knew took the time to make their product special and knows "their craft". Ya know? Anyhow... I had to buy some new kicks since I've been jogging so much... the old Saucony's that I had where so worn out and it felt like I was doing some major damage to my joints
(especially my hips.) Ouch! I ended up buying trainers in the little boys section of Finish Line. I seriously hated all the women's style sneakers. What the heck designers!!! Not all women want pink and purple on their shoes (unless they are pumps). I settled on a pair of Nike Air Pegasus because they felt the best. They are black and white and that's cool with me since most my athletic wear is typically black or charcoal grey. Yay!
Saturday was pretty chill as well... I tested out my new trainers at Mueller Park... which led to me being sore all day but it was a "good sore". Then I crocheted a few Raccoon's for the Austin Craft Riot Show coming up in Mid August. I watched "Easy A" and sipped some red wine. Followed by some grilled chicken. The Mister finished building an Adirondack couples chair for our porch while I was inside crocheting. I love weekends like this where there is absolutely no plans whatsoever... you just do what you feel. I did manage to have The Husbear take a few photo's of me (soon to come) in some new thrifted clothes that I scored a few weeks prior. Gotta love thrift store scores!
This dress I actually purchased some years ago.... I just never wear it. I love it... it's cute and all, I just don't tend to choose it for some reason. Maybe it's because I usually don't wear purple... I don't know. Well, here it is in all it's glory. I totally think I look like a prepster in these photo's.... not in a bad way though. I think it's the headband with the cardigan perhaps. I usually think I dress a tad more "daring" shall I say in comparison to this look. I'm shying away from the "good girl" look... I want to take more risks (in a subtle way) and appear more "provocative" dare I say? Ha ha!
Well you'll be seeing more "sweet" with a hint of "edgy" in the next few outfits. I like the saying,
"She is Whiskey in a tea cup." I think that sums up my personality pretty darn well. Thant's kinda how I feel about the way I dress too. Demure with a subtle hint of badness. Lol.
There is nothing "daring" or "bad" about this look... just all sweetness.
I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend full of fun in the sun. I'll be coming back at ya with some short skirts and sheer blouses. Get ready kittens. Ha ha... what's your favorite "daring" thing to wear?
Dress: Francesca's
Cardigan: Target
Shoes: Target
Headband: Claire's
Earrings: Old Navy
Lipstick: Wet & Wild