Lately I've been obsessing over Collar Clips! I've made a pair for both me and Mandy and we both just love them! They are so easy to make and really pull an outfit together. I'm trying to get more into collared button ups....I've avoided them in the past because to me they seemed too stuffy but over time my taste has changed and I'm really into them. I've bought two so far and am ready to break them out for "my daily wear" posts. I was given a whole jar of button's from my friend Cat and decided to put them to good use. I took a pair of clip on earring backs from Hobby Lobby (you can buy them in a pack) and super glued the buttons onto the clips and then just strung a chain to connect them using needle nose pliers. BOOM! I can't wait to make more to switch them up with different tops. Check out my inspiration below.
I hope this inspires you to try to make some collar clips of your very own. Feel free to post a comment... it's getting lonely around here.