Remember this day? When I think back.... I think of how happy we were at that very moment, not even at that very moment but that time in our lives. Where we where..... who we where as people, with each other as a family. We are young, we were alive and full of hope and dreams. I smile to myself because I can still remember what that feels like because I can still feel it now... only it's a little different. We are a little older, we know a little more. Lucy has grown older and is grey. I'm so glad that we are going to grow older together and learn more together and have more memories on this beach together and take more photos out there together. Every shell we bring home and decorate our garden with is a reminder and a smile of the times we've spent at our favorite spot together laughing and playing with Lucy as we build "drip castles" on her back until she gets mad at us. I love you my bear of a husband. You are my best friend. We have been through so many good times and also some bad ones but we somehow figure out to let the bad ones fade away and hang onto the good ones and cherish them the most. This is my favorite picture we have ever taken together. This is the real us. Somehow when we are looking through our pictures at home we always seem to end up and this one. Why don't we have this one framed? This post is for you Matt, well for us. Don't ever think I don't notice what you do for me.... I see you working so hard to make our life better. You are the hardest working person I know and you still manage to come home and take care of me. You better read this post...... You will, I know you will. You are my biggest supporter.
To us forever.