Monday, January 5, 2015

Green and pink Gingham

Oh Hi there! Hope everyone had a very festive and fun New Year... I know I did. I ended up going to a NYE sing along at The Alamo Draft House with the Mister and my BFF and his significant other. It was a lot of fun... even though I was still feeling a little sick from the Flu I had been getting over. I'm still coughing as we speak! They say it takes a total of about nine days to get over the flu so I'm right there. I just cannot seem to shake this cough. I even started to workout again and was having trouble because I was coughing pretty much every time I did a sit up or jumping jack. Ha ha! I'm really trying to get back into shape for this Summer. If you've been reading the ol' bloggy then you know I've lost a total of 14 lbs and am still actively trying to loose more as well as tone up. It's going really well I must say.... I've been following Bob Harper's "The Skinny Rules" and it's really made me take a look at my portion control and I've pretty much stopped drinking all together in order to loose the rest of my weight that is still "hanging on." They say the last 10 lbs is the hardest to loose and well, they're right. Whomever they are.....

Now if I could just get rid of this cough all together then I could get back to jogging again 
(which I really love). It helps me (literally) get outside and breathe the fresh air and I love the way it makes me feel. Don't get me wrong.... some days I hate it, but it's really helped my mental health. I think it's the only thing that keeps me sane too. Ha! It's finally stopped raining here in Austin and the sun is shining bright and strong. We were getting gloomy weather for the past few days and I was about ready to go out of my mind. I love the rain and we need it but I don't like going out in the cold winter rain especially when I'm sicky poo. We (the Mister and I) did force ourselves to go on two walks and I was miserable both times. 

Let's talk about this awesome dress borrowed from the lovely Hannah of The Braided Bandit. See how she wore it here. I just adore Hannah's style and how she wore this sweet little eShakti frock with a floral crown and little, brown booties. I chose to dress this look up a tad by adding some of my newest, favorite accessories. I've never tried on an eShakti dress before but I've hear girl's rave about them non stop. Now I understand.... they are high quality and fit oh so well. I however have a serious lack of shoulders (thanks Dad) and have trouble "filling out" medium sized dresses. I'm smaller on top than I am downstairs which leads to some frustration. I was literally swimming in the top half of this dress so I threw on my favorite new faux leather jacket. Voila! Problem solved.... at least for these images. I just love this jacket and wear it everywhere now! You can't go wrong with a black jacket... I seem to be addicted to everything black these days. Why, I even decided to go darker with my tights as well. 

Well, our Christmas decorations are all taken down and put away (inside and out). The Mister and I took it upon ourselves to go through my studio and re-organize everything... thus leading to us getting rid of a ton of old crafty goods that I had purchased over the years. I vowed to myself that I wasn't going to invest money into any crafty projects that don't have to do with my business and I've managed to stick to that all last year. Only yarn and wooden plaques for this gal. We put everything we didn't want outside by the curb and as quickly as they were set out.... they were taken away. It feels good to purge and get rid of unwanted items that are just cluttering up your life. Now I can focus on what's to come of my little crochet business. I'm still waiting on some checks (that are much needed) from this years Christmas shows. I have managed to pay off my business credit card debt and will slowly start on paying off all those fun medical bills from the past three years of me being ill. Oh joy! Now our cars will probably break down or something.... That's life I guess. There's always something that need fixing. 

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Holiday! Now it's time for me to get back into the work grind. I have several orders to fill on Etsy and am still waiting to hear back from a certain Publishing Company. Weeeee! Later lovies!


Dress: Borrowed from Hannah
Tights: Target
Booties: Thrifted
Belt & Purse: Target
Jacket: Target