I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this DIY in Lucky Magazine.
By Erica Chan Coffman and Lauren Kolodny
What you'll need:
- 2 scallop-edged collar pieces cut from white felt or rubber flannel (download the template at luckymag.com/ peterpancollar)
- leather rotary hole punch or a single hole punch
- 2 half-yard pieces of quarter-inch-wide white grosgrain ribbon
- needle and white thread
- half-inch-wide button, preferably white
- glue gun
1. You will want to trace the pattern onto your felt/rubber flannel using a dark pen.
2. Using the hole punch, create small holes in the center of each scallop. Repeat on the second collar piece.
3. Overlap the wider ends of the collar so that the first holes line up. Place the button over the aligning holes and sew it in position from the back side.
4. Thread the ribbon through the last hole on the tapered end of the collar, place a drop of glue at the tip of the ribbon, and fold it closed on the back side. Repeat on the other collar.
Ta da! Now you are ready to wear your Peter Pan Collar.
Easy to do and stylish to wear. You can do it too, just visit Luckymag.com/ to download the pattern and don't forget to check out Erica and Lauren on honestlywtf.com