I've been waiting for the dust to settle in my life..... I haven't been posting as much as I normally would. I've been busting my ass at home. Always crocheting. I've also been watching a ton of Horror flicks with Matt getting in the mood for Halloween. Last night we watched "Halloween" The original. I just love Jamie Lee Curtis in that movie. So as you can see above I'm going to be talking about The Blue Genie Art Bazaar. That's because I was selected to be in the show! Heeeeeyoooooo! It was a juried show so I had to apply and be selected so I'm super happy that I was chosen.
Here are just a few examples of what I've been creating lately. These are mostly for Parts & Labour... which is still going well. Everything is selling strong. They want to actually raise my prices, sounds good to me.
Platypus is one of my all time favorite guys.... he is just so simple to make and cute. He went really fast. I'm hoping to someday to keep my patterns and compile them in a book and have them published. We shall see.
Mr. Warthog is another favorite.
As seen with Mr.Bear
Mr. Kangaroo
Crocodilly...which I later added a yellow birdie to rest on it's head.
There's so many more patterns and little guys since these pictures were taken....I'm so behind Argh. I hope you guys enjoy they artsy fartsy aspect of my blog. It can't all be about fashion for me. There's much more to my life than just dressing up. I feel full of creative ideas right now. I have a feeling that you will be seeing more DIY posts in the near future.