Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bits of randomness

It feels like I haven't posted in quite awhile..... I honestly haven't felt like doing much of anything lately. I've been working hard with The Mister on getting the house into shape. It looks really good. The screened in porch that Matt has built is almost complete. We can actually sit outside and enjoy the lovely Austin weather  and it makes me feel much safer about letting Lucy out.

Our baby chicks are growing up fast. We had another tragic death at The Hart household....but these things happen. We originally started with Penelope (yellow) and Olive both Java's. Olive didn't make it....I think she was sick when we got here. Mandy and I went back to Callahan's to get two more. We bought Betty (brown) and Mabel. Mabel didn't make it either. I decided that that we weren't going to get anymore chicks and that we would just keep Penelope and Betty and if they passed then we wouldn't have's sad to see these little guys go. So right now Mabel and Penny are growing like weeds and we will eventually move them outside to a chicken coop but for now they still sleep in a tissue box.

Here's our new Sputnik Lights that Matt purchased from a neighbor! I'm so excited. He is going to cover up the can lights and re wire the electric so that this can hang above our dinner table. We have another that will hang in the stair well. It's gonna look sooooo good!

Everything is already blooming around the house. We live by a field full of wild flowers. They haven't all popped up yet but these were the first ones that I saw near our fence. It is so magical to see all the different types of variety. Last year I took many outfit posts in those fields. I haven't really felt like getting dressed up much lately.... hence no daily wear posts. I haven't been feeling like myself at all. I also made a drastic decision and cut off 9 inches of hair. It's cute but I'm still in shock. My hair was like my security I feel all exposed. There will be pictures to come.

I've been trying to run a mile a day....I started off just fine but slowly it tapered off when Matt and I started to do more work on the house. We actually just joined a new fitness center called CG Arena. I found out about it through my friend Dominique... we had went to a boot camp together and it kicked my ass! I was sore for 3 days. Matt and I went there to check it out and it looked like so much fun. Matt's first boot camp is today....I had to opt out so I can finish staining my plaques for my animal heads. I have a deadline for First Thursday.

I cleared out all the clutter and toys that we had on display in our house and have simplified everything. We are concentrating on my camera collection. Here's a little sneak peek. I'm still not sure if I should put away the embroidery or not.

Here's some little ears that I've been working on. They are too cute. I have bear ears and foxy ears....soon to make more. Hope they sell well!

These are some of the animal heads that I've been busting my butt to crochet. I've been crocheting non stop and quite frankly am sick of it. I miss when I used to crochet for pleasure. Sometimes I don't know if I what I do is worth all of the fuss. I get really stressed out when people ask for special requests...... seriously stressed. I don't know why but I do. It's hard for me to say no to people and I worry that they won't like the end product. I've had a few horrible things happen to me in the past when people have asked for special requests.... I just don't ever want to go through that again. I honestly don't know if I make that much money off these gigs that I do either. It's fun and I meet new people but is it really worth it? These are just some thoughts that I've been kicking around for quite along time. Downer.....

Tomorrow's First Thursday and I hope there is a good turn out. It's been raining cat's and dog's so we shall see. Mandy will be selling her totes and zipper pouch's. We will be taking tons of photo's as it's Mandy's first time selling at First Thursday. I'm in better spirit's today.... I wrote that bit up above yesterday. I feel better now. In fact I feel so much better that I have applied to be in Austin Flea! That about wraps it up. 
