Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bein' Quirky

There are short girls, tall girls, big girls, and small girls but the best kind of girl is a quirky girl. 

The audience laughs as Abby Elliott portrays Zooey Deschanel on SNL's skit "Bein' Quirky".
In the skit they poke fun at Zooey's Characteristics, over exaggerating her "cuteness" and her "quirky ways."

For instance...... she collects vintage typewriters.

I collect vintage typewriters as well. I think they are pretty swell.....just look at them. I actually have this same model only it's in teal. Quirky? I think not.

Let's talk Zooey fashion. I love it. Some people don't because it's too cute or too little girl like. I find it refreshing.... I love to wear skirts and dresses. I usually wear them almost everyday. I also tend to wear cardigans and flats. Yes I do have bangs but I've had them for years. 

Did I mention I collect vintage cameras too? I love love love cameras. You should see my house. I'm now getting more into Diana Cameras so there may be more pretty, plastic colored ones soon!

This doesn't make me a hipster or a quirky girl.

Does it make me a doucher that I actually like her show? I don't want to like it.... I just do.

Oh look. She winked at me. I like hula hoops too. I don't wanna brag or anything but I'm really good at hula hooping.

Now this I swear to you has been my all time favorite movie since I first saw it in College. I later saw it in the movie "500 Day of Summer" and was ticked that it was in there because it was my "special" movie. Make me quirky? No.... Make me a freak? Yes.

Lastly, you need a pocket boyfriend. This is true for every adorkable Zooey type quirky girl. They have to be 
sensitive and fragile and admire you from afar. Pocket boyfriends will go to any length to please you.

Hope you enjoyed my post and remember no matter what you wear (baby doll dresses) and no matter what you collect (typewriters) that doesn't mean you a "Quirky Girl".