Ermagawwwwwd! I flipped my shiz when I saw this DIY Valentine's Day card on Design Sponge. I'm used to seeing V Day print ables and such but this was is extra special because it's hand made. Everyone knows that hand made gifts are better. I'm a sucker for DIY's and this one was too cute to pass up... so I thought I would share this delightful idea with you all.
That's right folks... that's an Ampersand. That little do dad up above is derived from the
Latin phrase "per se".
You can shop around at local vintage stores for old cards as well as flora and fauna books...
I also provided some awesome links for easy print outs.
Snip snip snip....
Glue and voila..... you have a keepsake card that you can frame. Isn't it splendid?
Personalize it with photo's or nick knacks.
Here are a bunch of great links to printables!!!