Monday, April 27, 2015

Market at Georgetown

Hi there kitten's! Is it Monday already? This weekend flew by so fast... I barely knew what hit me.
I'm switching things up a bit with a fun travel/crafty post. It's a nice break from all those Spring flower, fashion posts. The weekend before last Le Husband and I visited my dear friend Anna in Georgetown, Texas. Anna just moved into a new and first house her and her Husband have owned so I was pretty excited for her and to actually get to see it. For those of you that aren't from Texas, Georgetown is only about 45 minutes away. It's an easy drive for a day trip and has a lot of cool country chic boutiques. It's also home of "The Blue Hole"... which I adore. The Blue Hole is the Mister and my favorite watering hole to visit in the Summer besides Barton Springs.

While we were in Georgetown checking out Anna's new pad, we went out to grab some lunch and then took a stroll through the downtown area and stumbled upon this cute little market. As you all may know I'm a sucker for a good market. The first booth I walked into was Polka Dots and Pickles by Karen Trice. I was drawn in by all the fun bright, colors and adorable crafts. Check out her fun pin cushions!

I then spotted these bright Treat Jars. 

Then, I settled on some Star Wars clay magnets for the Mister. They are proudly on display in our kitchen as we speak.

Moving along I spotted a fabulous mobile fashion boutique called "Therapie". I so wanted to buy a few of these beautiful candles for our home. 

Inside I found some boho chic vintage jewelry...

I do love these rings!

Next, we stopped in a Antique store "Hands of Time". I love just walking around and "taking in" all the trinkets and bobbles from the past. There's something about antique stores that I can't get enough of... I think it's all the stories behind the pieces that thrills me. There are so many memories attached to all the items and relics. 

These porcelain dogs are the best!

Vintage clothes and hats....

and vintage glass ware....

Did I mention that my Anna is 6 months pregnant with her first baby?! How adorable is she... I could just die. 

We were actually trying to be slick and capture an image of this guy behind us proudly carrying around his trophy (a taxidermy deer head) that I assume he shot and killed himself. Only in Georgetown. Errr, or in any small town I suppose. We didn't manage to get a good shot of him but instead a lovely picture of Anna and I. 

I went in for a closer look and snapped this delightful shot as we were walking by. 
Don't mind me.....

This was a fun shop that we all got sucked into. Anything that has to do with whimsical garden decorations and I'm there! It was pretty country chic... which isn't my thing but I still wanted to buy everything. 

Vintage inspired dish towels....

Faux succulents as far as the eye could see.... Later on The Mister came upon a hot sauce shop that literally only sold hot sauce and spicy salsa. He spent a good 20 minutes in there tasting different things until he settled on a ghost pepper hot sauce. It was his dream come true... which is fine because Anna and I dragged him around the market looking at baby garb and girlie stuff. Ha! It was a really nice weekend even though it was over cast outside. I did end up purchasing a cute little boho chic dress which will most likely make an appearance in an upcoming post. All in all it was a very fun day. I was super excited to see Anna's new home (which was amazing btw) and to spend time with my pregnant friend and to see her stomach change is fascinating to me. It seems like only yesterday she was 17 and we were working at Cord Camera together. My how time flies....


Dress: Forever 21
Flower Crown: Target
Faux Leather Jacket: Target
Ankle Boots: Target