Friday, January 10, 2014

Windy Day.....

Happy Friday everyone! It's been soooo long since I've posted any "daily wear" pictures of myself. I just hadn't felt up to it in awhile. Truth is.... I hadn't been feeling so hot lately. I've been really down on myself recently for various reasons. It happens to everyone from time to time. I'm working on being kinder to myself this year. I've not only stopped drinking so much (I don't even really feel the need to anymore) but have been walking/jogging on a daily basis. Life has been much sweeter since I quit my horrible job. I'm a much happier person. I feel like my "old self" again. I laugh and dance around the house and sing out loud whether the Mister wants to hear it or not. Ha! I'm eating right and am trying to love myself body and soul.

I had a little belt/wardrobe malfunction. This always happens to me when there's no little loopy things to put my skinny belt through. Guess I could sew some on the sides. Does this happen to anyone else? Oh well.... it's not that big of a deal. I adore this dress that I got from Target. I was trying to find something that was comfy that I could wear to shows. This is perfect because it's longer in the back than it is in the front and I can move freely in it. 

It was super windy and cold this day! I was trying to pose so that The Mister could take the pictures fast and we could run inside and get warm. It could have been worse... it's supposedly 2 degrees in Ohio right now. Austin is still pretty nice in the winter..... I would take cold wind over snow any day.

I love love love this nail polish that I bought to wear at my sister's wedding. It dries matte and super fast. You don't need more than one coat! It's called "rise & shine" by Sinful Colors. I don't know why it's called rise & shine... it's green. Matt bought my the Typewriter button ring on the left for a gift and I got the ring on the right from a vendor at First Thursday a loooong time ago. The purse was a gift from Matt as well. He bought it at one of my favorite local Austin boutiques called SoLa.

You can't see it in this image but the dress has a sweet little peek-a-boo cut out in the back. I love the geometric pattern as well.

This picture cracks me up! I've been dying my hair red for sometime now... I love the way it looks. I finally found a color that looks natural and works with my skin tone. A lot of times when people go red they make the mistake of choosing a "cool red".... which doesn't look natural. I've made that mistake before and it ended up looking purple. Yikes! I use Loreal (box) in Light Auburn R6. That's right...a box. I 've tried getting my hair dyed at various professional salons and paid way too much and was never happy with the results. I stumbled upon this color one day and have been using it ever since. It's light auburn ..... in a warm tone. I get compliments all the time on my hair and everyone assumes it's natural. Please realize this color isn't for everyone. My hair is naturally dirty blonde so it works perfectly on me. It's different for everyone.... I lean towards the warmer more coppery tones if you will.

Dress: Target
Belt: Target
Tights: Target
Boots: Dots
Sunnies: XXI
Rings: Gifted
Clutch: SoLa
Nail Polish: Sinful Colors